Monday, May 3, 2010

Art Show

My art show went well Thursday night. I am so glad it is over. Everything came together well and I am very pleased with how it turned out.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Art has been consuming my life lately. I love art and I love to create art. But I am getting sick of it because I have been doing it so much. I will continue to create but right now all I want is a little break. I have a few more projects to do and then I get my break. I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So for one of my assignments for class was to work with someone else to create some kind of art. For this assignment I worked with a friend who lives in St. Louis. For Spring Break she went to Florida. I was going to go with her but ended up having to work so I was stuck in Central Illinois where it was cold and snowing.

The image is what she saw out her front window, a nice sunny day and a perfect view of the beach. And what I saw was snow covered pine trees. This shows how different Florida and Illinois are in March, but it also shows how beautiful theses two are in there own way.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Art

One day while trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with no luck I began to think of life and it’s daily struggles. Life can be very much like a Rubik’s cube. Sometimes the struggles we are faced with are easy to solve while others take much more time and patience. Unlike a Rubik’s cube there is no one-way to solve life. Life is always changing and there are always going to be struggles. Even if someone seems to have the “cube” figured out, if you look close you would see the struggle within to solve the “cube”.

My intent is to show life as a Rubik’s cube. A cube will appear to be solved but upon closer look it is clear that there are struggles going on within or the cube may be falling apart. This can be compared to the lives of most.

I have come to realize that no one’s life is perfect. There will always be struggles when it comes to solving the “cube”. But just keep moving the squares of the cube until the problems become solved.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Creating art for others

Most if not all of my art was created because it is some thing I wanted to do. I don't create with others in mind. The art I create is for me and if someone else likes it that is great! Art is my way to vent and think about what is on my mind or sometimes to clear my mind.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I’m so busy with trying to solve my life struggles. I find myself looking at others and thinking their life is so perfect, why can’t I be like them? But I have come to realize that no one’s life is perfect. There will always be a struggle when it comes to solving the problems of life.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Idea

So I have change my idea just a little for my show. I want it to be more about how thinking the grass is greener on the other side but you then realize that it is the same color and maybe the other person is falling apart from the inside. What is on the inside really matter you can hide it for a while but it will come out one way or an other. The inside of a Rubik's cube is very important too, the inside is what makes the outside function.